2012年云台山英语导游词,Yuntai Mountain - 修武县导游服务中心 - 云台山旅游服务网
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2012年云台山英语导游词,Yuntai Mountain

云台山英语导游词 :Yuntai Mountain

Situated in Xiuwu county, Hennan province, Yuntai Mountain has has edged onto the China National Natural Heritage Candidate List due to its unique geological landforms, rich natural resources and cultural relics.

It is characterized by its structural cuesta, flying waterfalls on faulted cliffs, quiet valleys and clear springs.Known as a world geopark, visitors have begun to learn about the mountain, a new site in the tourism glossary. It was one of the first world geoparks to be approved by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2004.

Yuntai Mountain is among the first group of world geology park, and it is the only scenic spots combines many names together in Henan province, like national tourist attraction, national AAAA grade scenic spots, national geology park, national forest park, national water conservancy tourist attraction, national macaque (短尾猴)protection zone, national first group natural heritage. Covering an are of 190sqm, the scenic spots is composed of many sightseeing places, such as Tan pu Gorge(潭濮峡), Quanpu Gorge(泉瀑峡), Red Stone Gorge(红石峡), Zifang Lake(子房湖), Macaque Valley (猕猴谷)etc.

Yuntai Mountain has now developed into one of the leading scenic sites in Henan Province and one of the leading geoparks in China, after years of efforts to improve the environment

Covered with luxuriant original forest, Yuntai Mountain has several deep valleys and ponds, myriad waterfalls and springs, picturesque perilous cliffs and peaks, which compose the unique scenery of Yuntai Mountain. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its grotesque hill, which extends as far as eyes can see. The main peak, Cornel Peak(茱萸峰), is 1308m above the sea level. Standing on the chilly top, with Taihang Mountain to the north, Huaichuan Plain to the south, you can fully understand the lines,

Viewing from the skyscraping cliff, other mountains resemble to dwarf. Yuntai Mountain is famous for its water scenery, with a spring in every 3 steps, a waterfall in every 5 steps, a pond in every 10 steps. Yuntai Waterfall, the highest in the state with the drop in level of 314m, resembles to the skyscraping pillar. Tianmen Waterfall, White Dragon Waterfall, Yellow Dragon Waterfall, Y-shaped Waterfall form the unique scenery of the area. Duokong Spring, Pearl Spring, Yulie Spring, Bright Moon Spring are clean and sweet, making you reluctant to return. The Blue Dragon Gorge named as the first gorge of Central Plain is an ecology attraction for its unique phenomena, rich water resource and original forest.

Yuntai Mountain is the resort of poets. Wangwei, poet of Tang Dynasty, wrote the famous lines on the Cornel Peak, One misses relatives the most in the holiday. Bai Juyi(poet of Tang Dynasty), once wrote a few lines to eulogize(赞颂)the mountain, Moon is dim in cloudy weather, Taihang Mountain is really lofty and splendid.Long since have I heard its steep, only today can I experience it.

Tablet inscriptions of famed poets are exhibited here and they add cultural meaning to the mountain.

Yuntai Mountain gains its name from history. Xiandi, Emperor of Han Dynasty, had left the resort terrace and the tomb base here. It had been the secluded place of seven Bamboo Forest Sages of the Wei and the Jin Period. Medicine King, Sun Simiao, once collected Chinese medicine here. Many historical stories are spreading in the area related to some fames once visited here.

Yuntai Mountain created a landmark by being named National 5A Scenic Spot, after becoming a world geopark in 2004. On May 8, 2007,the National Tourism Administration bestowed the title of National 5A Scenic Spot to the mountain after a comprehensive and strict evaluation of its infrastructure, environment and service quality.

Yuntai Mountain was among the first group of scenic spots to win the honor, which represents the highest national standard for such spots at present. The administration has conferred the honor on only 66 scenic spots so far.

This notable achievement was the result of arduous efforts from the local government, Yuntai Mountain authorities and the people.

Both Tie Daisheng, secretary of the Jiaozuo municipal Party committee, and Lu Guoxian, Jiaozuo City mayor, paid great attention to the mountain’s bid for a National 5A Scenic Spot.

They visited the mountain several times and gave instructions after conducting extensive field surveys.

The mountain administration bureau set up a special team to organize the work of building a national 5A scenic spot, with Han Yueping, the bureau’s director, as its leader.

Their efforts transformed the mountain from an unknown spot of great natural beauty into a famous world geopark and a national 5A scenic spot.

The mountain authorities invited more than 60 experts to redesign the scenic spot and invested more than 600 million yuan in high-quality hardware construction.

For instance, all the toilets have been upgraded to at least three-star standard and offer free toilet paper.

The sightseeing paths have been rebuilt to help visitors get closer to nature and make their trip more safe and comfortable.

An advanced geology museum has also been set up, to spread geological awareness among visitors.

All facilities have been designed to be in harmony with the mountain’s natural environment.

As one of the nation’s first group of 18 pilot digital scenic spots, the mountain has invested 150 million yuan in the digitalization of its management and service equipment, such as the electronic entrance control system, intelligent monitoring system, multimedia demonstration, GPS vehicle dispatching, e-business, LED information release and an intelligent panorama guide map.

The number of tourists to the mountain has grown sharply in the past five years, as a direct result of improvement in the mountain’s tourism hardware and software.

Last year, the mountain received 2.25 million tourists, 11.3 times that in 2001, while revenue from ticket sales reached 157 million yuan, 39.3 times as much as 2001.

In 2001, 90 percent of the mountain’s visitors came from the province itself, while today 90 percent come from outside the province and China.

The development of the scenic spot has greatly promoted the development of the local economy.

By 2006, the Xiuwu County had 372 hotels and restaurants, 12.5 times as many as in 2000. Tourism revenue reached 650 million yuan, 12.9 percent of the county’s gross domestic product

云台山旅游服务网发布信息时间:2012/5/5 12:46:18
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